Crossing Signal
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The crossing signal is a simple implementation using the PCA9635 LED driver. Using the PWM signal from the PCA9635, you can control the brightness of the LED. Using a resistor in series with the LED allows you to set the duty cycle to 100% (full brighness), without worrying about burning out the LED's.
Basic instructions:
Crossing signal [click here]
PCA9635 LED driver [click here]
PCA9635 datasheet [click here]
Schematic: [click here]; Note: This will be the same schematic for the motor driver, except that the motor driver will have a L298N added to it. Also, it may look better if you download the image to your computer, then open it with your favorite picture viewer.
The LED's in the [crossing signal] probably have 1.7 forward voltage with 20 ma max current. If you're using different LED's, here's are two online LED resistor calculators. The second one has a section for parallel LED's which is how the LED's are wired in the [crossing signal]:
Digi-Key online resistor calculator: [click here]
LEDZ online resistor calculator: [click here]
Software: [click here]
There's a utility program in the driver examples, but it does not control the OE pin on the txs0108e, so you'll need to set it manually before running the utility program.